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Ignition Survey #1: Treatments

The MOG Project is pleased to share results from our first Ignition Survey! This survey included 267 MOGAD patients and their caregivers and asked a range of questions regarding acute and preventive treatments and their associated side effects. 89% of respondents had been prescribed an acute treatment during their most recent attack/relapse, the most commonly prescribed being IV Steroids (86%) followed by Oral Steroids (50%). Nearly 70% of MOGAD patients are currently on a preventive treatment. Rituximab (45%), Mycophenolate Mofetil (25%) and IVIG (25%) were cited as commonly prescribed preventive treatments. Side effects were common, with 66% of MOGAD patients reporting side effects from their acute treatments. 49% of patients on Rituximab, 32% on Mycophenolate Mofetil and 53% on IVIG reported side effects from their treatments. 
It is important to note that due to recruiting methodology, this respondent pool may skew towards patients with more severe cases of MOGAD.